Should I Convert From Heating Oil to Natural Gas?

Well, the answer of this question should I convert from Heating oil to natural gas is yes you can! But you have to check various things before converting from oil to natural gas. So, detailed answer of this question discussed here.

Should I Convert From Heating Oil to Natural Gas

Should I convert from Heating oil to natural gas?

Yes. But before making any changes, first of all you have to check that in which area you are living natural gas is frequently available or not.

If you want to get complete knowledge about should i convert from heating oil to natural gas, then first check that you have main gas supply line available under your house. But, if you are not having main gas supply then talk with your neighbors or with gas company for the connection.

Basically, converting from heating oil to natural gas is very cost effective for the long run. Initial conversion is also very expensive task. So, be mindful that it’s a long-term investment. So, it’s a good option to calculate both condition if you are converting or not.

Because the prices of heating oil will continue to increase.

Let’s say, you checked that your house eligible for the conversion of heating oil to gas. Then, your first task is to get the proper knowledge that how much is the price of whole conversion. Many HVAC companies offer very reliable services like interest free services and absolutely free financing for the service of conversion.

So, the house owners have to check that should I convert from Heating oil to natural gas or not? by just comparing the cost of maintenance, heating with the conversion cost in order to understand that’s its beneficial for long term or not. Also, include the risk of leakage, rising cost of heating oil and maintenance of tank in the comparison.

For understanding that should I convert from Heating oil to natural gas is best option for you or not then you have to check that how much does it cost for conversion.

How much does it cost to convert from Heating oil to natural gas:

Well, the conversion cost prices increase dramatically.

According to the CBS Boston, cost of converting from heating oil to natural gas is $4,500 to $7000. According to the new cable average cost for house owners is $3500 to $10,000.

  • The service costs will be influenced by a number of factors
  • New gas line is installed from your main line to your house

Average installation cost of new gas line is $1000. Well, here one good news for your guys that local utility companies offer absolutely free. Always, be sure to ask. The grease goes on the wriggly wheel.

Age of the heating system:

Age of any heating system plays an important role because according to NSTAR, your HVAC heating system is 10 or more than 10 years old then you have to install new heating system in your house. Well, the average installation cost of heating system is $5000 to $10,000. But keep in mind that prices vary according to your choices and material you are using.

Installation of chimney liner:

If there’s a buildup in the chimney due to the exhaust of gas. Then, you have to reline the chimney. Cost of Re-lining a chimney is from $750 to $2000.


This fee is eliminated if you are going purchase and installed a high efficiency [Condensing] furnace in your house.

Incentives or Rebates of Conversion:

Many companies offer rebates or incentives for the conversion of heating to natural gas. Well, for this purpose MASS SAVE having a complete list of the credits and rebates of converting heating to natural gas. So, through this way you can easily save many dollars on the initial cost of conversion.

Now discuss how much you can easily save if you convert your system from heating to natural gas. Because it’s necessary for everyone to understand that they are taking right option or not.

incentive and rebates of  Should I Convert From Heating Oil to Natural Gas

How much I can easily save by just converting heating oil to natural gas:

According to the News of New England cable average cost of house owner with the heating oil system is doubled instead of house owners with the natural gas system.


If we go with statistics, then average house owner easily save up to $10,77 per year.

Basically, this information is delivered by the United Stated Energy Information’s Administrations.

So, this is just an average. Well, actual numbers might be different. Simply, if you are using heating oil system then you spend double amount of money instead of natural gas system. Normally, all this depends on the size of your house, weather and on your heating preferences.

You can save money on the maintenance instead of saving money on  heating oil. Maintenance of a gas heating system is far more expensive instead of heating oil tank.

Is Gas is more reliable then oil?

Absolutely, the gas is more reliable then oil. Because in order to full the oil tank, the tanker full with the oil comes and fill the tank on the other hand the gas is just connected with the pipe of your house main line and you are consuming.

natural gas is reliable or not

Oil tanker deliveries increases the cost of oil and oil will not be delivered especially when the weather is not good due to storms and various other factors.

But the gas is easy to use and supplied even in the bad weather conditions. That’s why gas is more reliable then oil.

Should we have to Switch?

Well, you have to ask this question by yourself. First of all you have to know that how much does the conversion cost? So, for this purpose you have to choose 3 professionals and ask how much does much does conversion cost. Then, compare all these 3 estimates with each other.

Because this thing will help you in choosing the right one for you and you are able to save or minimize your service costs.

Lets say, that the conversion cost is about $5,000 apporx. Then, you are able to save $1,077 per year. This is the average saving cost of per year.

Well, if you are planning for living in your house for the next 7 to 10 years then, converting to gas is the wise investment.


Now, You know the complete information about that you have to convert your heating system from oil to natural gas. Because the natural gas is more relaiable then oil tank. If the weather condition is not good oil will not delivered to the house but the gas is supplied even in the bad wether. Also, you are able to save the service cost when you are using natural gas system. So, now you know the complete information about conversion of oil to natural gas and you are able to make right decision for your house without any hesitation or tension.

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